You are never alone. This saying sounds a bit cliche, especially during times in which we feel lonely, hopeless, or lost. Still, it’s true. We are spiritual beings taking part in a human experience. During this journey, we receive guidance from spirit guides walking alongside us.
But what is a spirit guide? Who is my spirit guide--and more importantly, how do I connect with them? We’re glad you asked. Learning how to connect with your spirit guides is one of the most important parts of one’s spiritual journey.
It can be the difference between feeling empty and unwanted to knowing that not only does your life have a purpose, but you also have other souls rooting you on as you discover it.
What Are Spirit Guides?
To understand what, or more appropriately, who a spirit guide is, we first have to understand who we are. Before we enter a body and incarnate, we still exist. We are unique vibrations of energy. Once we take on a physical body, we are to express ourselves more clearly using our senses.
But make no mistake, long before you had eyes to see with, a nose to smell with, and a mouth to form the question “what is a spirit guide?” you were still you. The same is true of your spirit guides.
In its most basic form, a spirit guide is a nonphysical being (a being not in a human body) committed to helping a person learn, grow, and navigate through life. Sometimes spirit guides are assigned this task through a soul contract when the person is born. At other times, it is a choice that happens later in life once the spirit guide departs from the earth. For example, a grandmother may choose to stay on the Other Side and serve as a spirit guide for her granddaughter instead of reincarnating.
There are several different types of spirit guides. These include:
Ancestors and departed loved ones
Angels and Archangels
Spirit animals (i.e., your departed pet)
Ascended masters (i.e., Buddha, Jesus)
Spirits of nature (i.e., trees, crystals)
You can have one spirit guide or several, and they may change throughout your lifetime depending on what you need at that time. Regardless, they will have unique characteristics and gifts that will assist you with challenges you encounter during your life.
For example, if one of your soul’s missions is to overcome fear and anxiety, Angel Raphael might serve as a guide to help heal both the physical and the emotional body. He can also help shift energy, clearing out worry for those who struggle with a constant state of unease.
Other spirit guides assist by sending uplifting messages to those they guide. For example,
life path psychics will often pass on messages from departed loved ones during psychic readings. These champions serve as cheerleaders, rooting for you and encouraging you to move forward from the sidelines, especially during times of high stress or great change.
How Do I Know Who My Spirit Guides Are?
“Who is my spirit guide?” is one of the most common questions
spiritual psychics encounter. During a reading, the answer is usually straightforward, especially if the spirit guide has appeared to the medium. If you’re trying to figure it out on your own, the process is a bit trickier but certainly not impossible. Consider the following:
You probably already know. Is there a loved one you have always felt connected to that has passed on? Is there a certain animal that you have been fascinated with since you were young? Or maybe there is a certain angel or deity you see everywhere? If so, you already know the identity of at least one of your guides.
Ask directly. Your spirit guides want you to know them. One of the easiest ways to figure out your spirit guide’s identity is to ask them to reveal it. You can do this by writing a letter, asking during meditation, or simply saying a prayer.
Enlist help. Psychics are really good at connecting with spiritual beings. So, if you are having trouble pinpointing your personal guides on your own, you might try asking for help from someone with befriending such entities.
How to Connect With Your Spirit Guides (listicle)
Our spirit guides communicate with us (or try to) long before we ever think about trying to connect with them. But once we realize that they exist, it is much easier for them to get their messages across. Here are some sure-fire ways to connect with your guides on a much deeper level.
1. Attune your awareness. Spirit guides are all around us, but we would never know it because they exist on a different octave. Because they are on a very high frequency, you must raise your own vibrational energy to be able to speak with them. Ways to do this include being aware of (and taking care of) your body and emotions, eating healthy foods, removing chakra blockages, and getting moving through activities such as yoga or running.
2. Practice gratitude. Another way to raise your vibration is to be very intentional about practicing gratitude. I’m not talking about making a list of the things you are thankful for once a year but really got serious about focusing on all that is working for you rather than what is working against you. Why? It’s simple. You can’t be in two opposing emotional states at the exact same time.
So while feeling down and depressed keeps us low and disconnected, setting our focus to what we can feel good about will lift us up into a vibration that will allow us to hear spiritual messages from the Other Side.
1. Meditate regularly. The same thing is true of meditation. Meditation is the process of stopping our ruminating worries and getting to a place of ‘no thought.’ Once our mind is clear, we can better hear what our spirit guides have to say to us. We can also better understand our own inner knowing, our intuition.
2. Work on your intuition. This leads to our next tip for connecting with spirit guides, and strengthening your own psychic gifts. Believe it or not, all of us have the ability to connect with the other side. However, not all of us dedicate the time and practice to honing in on these abilities. If you want to know your spirit guide on an intimate level, you’ll need to work on hearing and feeling your gut instincts as well.
3. Freewriting. Once you are leaning heavily on your own abilities to channel, you can use freewriting as a connection tool. After meditating, simply ask your spirit guides to pass messages through you. Then journal out every thought and feeling that comes to mind, even those that do not make sense.
4. Use divination tools. Tarot cards, oracle cards, runes, and other divination tools can also be used to help you receive messages from the beings sent to help you walk through this life journey. You can ask questions by seeking out a professional reader or using the tools yourself. Whatever feels most comfortable for you.
5. Pay attention to your dreams. Finally, pay attention to your dreams. You might even try dream journaling during the night or as soon as you wake up. Dream journaling can help you receive messages from your guides that would otherwise be overlooked especially if you are not in the habit of looking for spiritual communication being sent while you are snoozing.
Still Feeling Unclear? Try Asking A Psychic
Connecting with your spirit guides can be a little tricky. So if the seven steps above missed the mark on how to connect with your spirit guides, try asking a psychic instead. The practice of channeling, or allowing one’s body to be taken over by a spirit for the purpose of communication, is one of the strongest gifts of a psychic. Getting assistance from someone with skill can be extremely useful, especially for first-time meetings or those wanting to find out the name of their spirit guide. A good psychic will also be able to guide you regarding further connection with your guides.