Fate or free will? This is a question that philosophers have fated since the beginning of time. If you believe in psychics readings or dabble in divination yourself, you’ve certainly considered whether or not someone can accurately predict what will happen in the future. If you’ve ever had psychic predictions fail to come true, then the question has definitely crossed your mind.
The truth is, psychic predictions may change, even when they come from well-known, gifted, and usually
accurate psychics. But why? How could someone with such a gift be utterly wrong at times? The answer isn’t cut and dry but a mixture of discussion on destiny, free will, soul contracts, intuition, and action.
Three Reasons Why A Psychic Prediction May Change
Take, for example, Edgar Cayce. Cayce is one of the most famous psychics of all time and did tens of thousands of accurate readings during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Predicting things such as the starting and number of casualties of World War II and the stock market crash of 1929, Cayce blew people’s minds. Edgar Cayce also predicted the time and place of the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy and the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
But sometimes, Cayce was wrong. For example, he thought 1933 would be a great year when it actually turned out to be one of the worst in economic history. So was Cayce a charlatan? Absolutely not. But his ‘failures’ provide examples of an important point--psychic predictions change.
One of the most common reasons for this is a shift in energy and a change in what you are attracting.
Shifts in energy and the Law of Attraction. Psychic readings are always based on your current energy or vibration during the reading. If your energy shifts after a reading, the course of your life will shift as well. This can be either good or bad.
This is what happened in the case of Caroline, a thirty-something-year-old woman who went to a trusted reader for advice on her relationship. One of the psychic predictions that came up during this reading was that Caroline would face a tough problem within 90 days if she did not make serious changes. Sometime after the reading, the relationship ended, and nothing traumatic happened.
Was the psychic wrong? Maybe. But it is more likely that Caroline’s decision to disconnect from her negative partner stopped whatever was heading her way energetically. Her point of attraction changed.
Something similar happened to another client, Chanel. She also sought psychic readings about her on-again, off-again relationship with a not-so-healthy partner. During the reading, they were on an uptick, and the psychic predicted an engagement. But, a few months later, they broke up, and Chanel was left questioning what went wrong with the psychic predictions.
When consulting with the psychic again, Chanel had an AHA moment. She had been working on shifting her energy, attracting positive things into her life, and freeing herself of what wasn’t for her highest good. So, without knowing it, she had freed herself from toxicity.
Balancing Destiny & Free Will Choice
Sometimes a prediction doesn’t come true because the person receiving the reading simply doesn’t believe it is possible.
Holding limiting beliefs. A limiting belief is a false state of mind that restricts you and stops you from pursuing or accepting things that are for your higher good. Many spiritual principles hold that manifesting things that are fated to us requires three parts: intention, belief, and release. The second part is key.
So, even if ten
life path psychics see you landing the job of your dream and moving across the country to marry the partner of your dreams, this may not happen. Manifesting a life of abundance requires busting limiting beliefs that are stored in the subconscious mind and whispering, “this could never happen for me.” If you don’t do so, you might end up making choices using your free will that do not line up with what you really desire.
Here’s a good example. Jack meets Jill, his soulmate, during their final year of college. They quickly fall in love and make plans to get married, have kids, and buy a house with a white picket fence. Jill really believes that they are destined to be together, but Jack starts to have doubts. Jack comes from a background of domestic violence and divorce. The relationship between his mom and dad planted some deep-seated ideas about marriage in his subconscious mind.
As much as he feels that Jill is the person he is supposed to spend his life with, Jack doesn’t believe that he deserves this kind of love or those things out for people like him. His limiting beliefs cause him to sabotage the relationship as he pushes Jill away. This brings us to the third reason psychic predictions fail to manifest.
Free will is exercised. Jack may be destined to be with Jill and could have even signed a soul contract to love her for many lifetimes. Still, he has free will, and his choices affect his destiny. No one can for Jack (or you or me) to continue down a path. Even if it is one that our soul or spirit guides know will make us happy.
Trust Your Intuition
So what, if anything, can be done to make sure the psychic readings we receive are as accurate as possible? The answer to this is simple. Trust your intuition when choosing a reader, make sure you are open energetically during the reading, and work on ridding yourself of any limiting beliefs related to the things that come up afterward. This is a sure-fire recipe for psychic reading accuracy regardless of the question or circumstance for which you are seeking guidance.