Tarot readings are one of the most common ways that psychics use to channel your spirit guides. If you’re looking for guidance in life or want answers to important questions, getting a tarot reading is one of the most impactful ways to achieve your goals.
The best tarot decks include some of the most powerful tarot cards that can give you direction and purpose in your life. Check out our tarot cards list of the most powerful tarot cards.
The Wands
If you’re feeling stuck in life, not knowing what the next step should be or how you should move forward, the Wands in tarot can make a significant impact on your life. They represent ambition, expansion, creativity, inspiration, and determination.
When a card in the suit of Wands comes up in a tarot reading, it empowers you to embrace your talents and move forward to a better future. This is a powerful reminder that you are in control of your own life, and only you can take hold of your strengths to guarantee a better future.
The Tower
The Tower is one of the most impactful cards in the tarot deck. When it appears in a reading, it indicates that a significant change in your life is on the horizon. This change does not come easily, either. The imagery on the card depicts fire, lightning, and chaos, indicating that your struggle will be hard to fight.
Even though The Tower seems like an inherently negative card, that is not the case. Indeed, the change it predicts will not be pleasant; it’s the end of an era. This means that when the card’s predictions come to a close, you can start over with a clean slate and create a life that will be even better than the one you left behind.
The Aces
The suit of Aces in tarot represents new beginnings. If your tarot reading includes an Ace, you can look forward to significant, positive changes in life that make your experience more exciting and impactful overall. If an Ace comes up in a reading, expect a positive change in your life.
If you’ve been thinking about changing jobs, moving, or making another change in life, the Aces are here to tell you that your intuition is correct. They encourage you to chase your dreams and trust that the universe will give you all you need to be successful and happy in life.
The Chariot
The Chariot represents strength, determination, and overcoming obstacles. When you feel weak or like you can’t go on anymore, the Chariot is here to remind you of the strength you hold within. No matter how difficult things get in life, you have everything you need to get you through the storm.
The Chariot empowers you to trust in yourself and your abilities to guide you through life. Your intuition will lead you where you need to be every time.
The Cups
The suit of Cups in tarot represents connections, love, relationships, and emotions. When they appear in a reading, they encourage you to trust your feelings regarding connection, love, and relationships—connected to the water, the Cups ebb and flow.
Your emotions will rise and fall like the ocean. As you go through life, you will learn new ways to cope and strive toward the life you are meant to live. In the meantime, the Cups remind us to cherish those around us and to feel things deeply.
The Hierophant
The Hierophant is a religious figure sitting on his throne, adorned in delicate fabrics and a crown. When this card comes up in a tarot reading, it can mean one of two things:
A mentor or counselor in your life will teach you new things; it’s time to embrace learning.
You may be dealing with someone in your life who, like religious figures, is set in their ways.
Overall, the Hierophant reminds us to never remain complacent in life. It’s essential to our growth to pursue new knowledge continuously.
In some cases, the Death card in tarot can represent passing away. However, this interpretation is rare. Most of the time, the Death card tells of metamorphosis or transforming into something new. This can apply to your career, family, love life, and even financial situation, depending on the other cards in your spread.
When Death appears in your reading, you can expect something in your life to change for the better. If you’re holding on to something that isn’t serving you, it’s time to let that go so that you can transform into the person you are meant to be.
Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune is all about destiny and luck. This card reminds us that most of the aspects of our lives are predetermined. They are meant to happen to us at a specific point in our existence. The Wheel of Fortune is a favorable card to receive in a tarot reading, as it indicates that you are lucky in life and, as such, good things will come to you.
The Wheel of Fortune is a card that rules your life as a whole. While it can display in specific scenarios in life, it usually means that you can expect good things to happen throughout your entire life.
The Strength card is similar to the Chariot in that it represents overcoming obstacles. It signifies gaining control over your emotions to lead yourself to a more positive outcome. It tells us that if we want to take charge of a happy life, we must start within.
The Temperance card represents patience, balance, and peace in life. If you receive Temperance in a tarot reading, it means that it’s time to make time for yourself in your life. Everyone needs to take a break sometimes to recoup and recharge.